“We expect 2 million tourists from Indonesia to Malaysia”

Two days ago, I attended a business gathering held by the Malaysia Club in Jakarta (MCJ). There was a talkshow themed “Business and the Press” presenting Yosef Ardi, a well-known blogger who also works at Bisnis Indonesia-daily newspaper and Riyadi Suparno, the Managing Editor of The Jakarta Post.

Both of the speakers gave insights on how the media work in Indonesia. The discussions went quite interesting too and the MCJ members were actively asking questions to both speakers. I’ve attended many business gatherings before, from Amcham’s, Britcham’s , Eurocham’s, IABC’s, etc, yet I think yesterday evening’s gathering is the liveliest. Probably because this one isn’t only about cocktail party where people “just” hangout, drinks wine and cocktail and chit-chat, but there’s a talk-show with prominent guest speakers delivering a topic that of interest of the members.

After the talk-show, the Ambassador of Malaysia for Indonesia Dato’ Zainal Abidin Zain delivered his speech. What interests me is that he says, “We expect 2 million tourists from Indonesia to go to Malaysia”.

When hearing this statement, I couldn’t help not to smile. A Monalisa smile :).


  • Please deh ah… Dapet salam dari bali, lombok, the gilis, yogyakarta, bunaken, pulau komodo, biak (???)… banyak kaleee dalem negeri yg lebih oke…. kekekekeke… 🙂

  • Wajar sih dia ngomong gitu. Tourism di Malaysia lagi maju soalnya. Saya pernah diberitahu teman kalau turis asing yang datang ke Malaysia 2 kali lipat dari yang datang ke Indonesia. Ditambah lagi pemerintahnya juga niat mendukung tourism. Salah satu indikasinya pernah saya tulis dulu di sini

  • So funny, since they even use another country’s folk song instead of original malay song as an ad jingle for tourism board.
    Udah jelas2 banget mereka lagi “KRISIS BUDAYA” dan Frustasi terhadap Sektor Pariwisata n Kebudayaan mereka yang Trully Bobrok.. Gitu mo 2 million tourist from indonesia… aya aya waee….

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