First of all, thank you guys for your support!!! Thanks for your votes and keep on voting for me every day yaaa! 🙂 🙂
I’ve received many messages in my yahoo account, facebook, as well as comments on this blog. Big thanks again! It’s very overwhelming, really!!! Some bloggers even wrote a special post in their blogs to help me get “The Best Job in The World”. Ohhh.. that’s very sweet of you, guys! I’m so touched!
And… some friends (hanny, chika and dimas) have created a facebook group account, named “Vote Indonesia’s Nila Tanzil for The Best Job in The World” as well! Wowww! Thanks heaps, guys! For those who want to join the group, please click here.
Please keep giving your votes for me in every 24 hours until 24 March 09, by clicking HERE 🙂 or go to
And please help to spread the words to your friends, too! Mwah! :*
Nila –
Salamat Pagi – tahun-tahun yang lalu saya bekerja di Sumaterra. Saya bisa becara sedikit bahasa Indonesia.
Hi … my name is Scott. I am living in Canada (Vancouver Island). I worked in the Aceh Provicnce of Sumatra, some years ago.
I wish you luck in your quest for “The Best Job”. (I didn’t make the top 50).
Stopped by to say “HI” (and I’m also performing a technical analysis of the top 50).
Cheers from Canada!
Hi stk, thanks for dropping by in my blog! 🙂
Will you be visiting Indonesia again sometime soon? You should!! 😉 (also.. to practice your Indonesian language, so that you won’t lose it!) Right? 😉
LOL … it’ll be a while before I get back to Indonesia, I’m afraid. 🙁
When the big company was paying my airfare, I was a regular! Now, not so much.
Instead, I’ve been appointed “Island Caretaker” of Vancouver Island! (self-appointed)
I’m just posting the technical analysis (and making sure I have your blog link correct). You should be pleased. I thought your application was very good. 😉
Good luck!
gut lak yah menjadi penjaga pulau selama 6 bulan. (kalo menang. he..he..he..)
Hi, it's Tisa, an Indonesian who's currently living in Norway.
I've watched your video & it's kinda cool to know there's an adventurous & nature lover Indonesian woman like you (as I know the thrill of enjoying under water world myself since I love diving as well).
Too bad that your video is only show a very tiny part of the beauty of Indonesia (it's even only by pictures) 🙁 Kinda sad that even the opening of your video is exposed Cambodia as the most beautiful temple in the word, whereas we have Borobudur as one of the greatest ones in the world.
Understand that the video is about your travelling. But putting more about the beauty of indonesia, would be very helpful to promote Indonesia to the world. As I think, kalau bukan kita sebagai orang Indonesia (especially yg tidak tinggal di Indonesia), then siapa lagi yg bisa memperkenalkan Indonesia ke dunia??? And it's kinda hurtful to know that most foreigner dont know that Bali island is part of Indonesia 🙁
It's just sharing & the thought, no hard feeling please 🙂 Never meant to offend you at all 😉
Anyway, good luck & wish you all the best for sure 🙂
Thanks very much for your comments. Really appreciate it! 🙂
To answer your question on why I didn’t shoot the video in Indonesia, this is why:
I personally wish I could shoot the video in Indonesia, but when I found out about this job, I was in the middle of my 2 months travel. I was in Thailand when a friend sent me a message on facebook letting me know about this job!
At first, I thought, “How would I make a video when I’m in the middle of my travel?”
And I had such a limited time! I had to fly to Singapore for a project and stay there for 3 days after my Thailand trip. Plus, I already booked myself a ticket to Cambodia!
That’s why, none of the video was taken in Indonesia :(. At first, I wasn’t even thought that I would have time to do it, but then… hey, why didn’t a give it a shot? 😉
(For your info, I took all the images myself as I had noone to help! (I was traveling all alone!))
If only I had more time, I would’ve recorded the video in Indonesia. I would fly to Borobudur, Bali or wherever! 🙂 Really.
And oh.. in the opening of my video, I said, “One of the most beautiful temples in the world.. The Temples of Angkor”.
It’s true. And so is the Borobudur Temple 😉
Thanks a lot for your support, sis! ^-^