Over the weekend, my rank goes up from 36th (687 votes) to 15th with 1,943 votes! Wowwwww!!! Thank you sooo much for everyone who has been voting for me every single day to help me get “The Best Job in The World” in Australia!
You guys rock!!! I feel loved… really… thank you for being very supportive to me! 🙂 🙂 I really appreciate your help, guys! 🙂
Please keep voting for me in every 24 hours until 24 March 09, by clicking HERE (http://www.islandreefjob.com/Nila), then check your email to confirm your vote right away.
And tell your friends to do the same, too yaaaah! 😉 Terima kasih teman-teman… 🙂 🙂 🙂
I can’t believe you might actually get it, among the thousands of applicants around the world! Good for you Nila!! 🙂
Congrats and hope you can make it to the top! 🙂
nila tanzil
duh saya senang kamu bisa masuk disana
ikutan kaskus juga ya 😀
perkenalkan saya id saya sejuta bintang 🙂
@Chritopher: wish me luck, Chris!
@ Devi: thanks, Dev… yes, hope I could make it to the top yaa…
@aulia: hai hai, iya aku baru join kaskus ^-^ tolong sampein ke temen2x ucapan makasih ku yaaa… 🙂
i just voted again. good luck nila. i pray that you’ll win!
Selamat ya…
Oya, udah q promosiin juga untuk nge-vote kamu di blog q.
Mudah”an membantu…
@ novi: makasih yaaaa.. amin amin amiiin1!!
@ Piko: waaahh.. tengkyuw bangeeet! pasti membantu lah… itu buktinya rankingnya dah naik ke peringkat 15, padahal tadinya masih di peringkat 36 :). every single vote counts! 😉
sekali lagi, makasih yaaa.. 🙂
you go girl!!!
thread ttg kamu di kaskus masuk hot thread loh…
i voted you too!
oh ya buka http://www.kaskus.us deh, banyak bgt yg dukung kamu disitu!
Wow, already in 15th!
Maybe you should not forget to thank to this largest Indonesian (junker :p) Forum =>
I got the news bout your participation on this thread
Hope you pay a visit