30 days passed by so fast.
In 30 days, we visited Bandung, Pangandaran, Batu Karas, Yogyakarta, Solo, Malang, Surabaya, Bali, Gili Trawangan, Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island.
In 30 days, I learned that actually there were a lot of kind people out there.
In 30 days, I saw genuine and fake people.
In 30 days, I was more convinced that education shaped how people behave and think.
In 30 days, I experienced new things that were full of excitements and pumped my adrenaline, and things that made me frustrated and disappointed.
In 30 days, I learned that you could not trust everyone.
In 30 days, I realized that as long as I traveled & experienced new adventures, I would be happy :).
“You could not ask a dolphin to live in a rice paddy field and be surrounded with frogs. The dolphin would feel miserable and die slowly. Same as you could not ask an ant to tell his friends that he could fly, as an ant could not talk and fly”
artikel disini sangat menarik dan bagus sekali, saya sangat suka,,,happy blogging ya kawan,,jangan lupa visit balik….
mbak…ini aq lg ntn acara nekad traveller d trans tv..pgn bgt suatu saat bs traveller kyk gitu lg…aq jg prnh mbak traveller sndiri dr jkt ke mlng..tp pke duit..hihihi..blm brani tnpa duit.. :p
@Denny Blogspot: makasih yaaah đ
@Erma Riestiana: hehehe.. emang traveling paling aman pake duit sih… đ
Saya lihat nekad traveler lg sore ini di youtube setelah yang ditivi selessi.. nggak bosen lihatnya mbak ..:)
@Catatan Tria: makasih ya đ