This is one of the videos of me being the mermaid to promote “The Best Job in The World”. I had so much fun that day… a lot of people staring at me curiously, perhaps they thought, “Why is she wearing such a bling bling mermaid costume on such a hot and sunny day?” đ Hahaha… Check out this video, guys! đ
Have you seen the mermaid lately?
mermaid hunt is oooonnn!!! đ
:)) where is she? where? where?
mermaid, main yuuuuuk đ kamu ke sini dong… *mermaid masih suka minum teh botol ga ya*
@ hanny: yuk yuuuk… kapan ya? mermaid tentunya masih suka minum teh botol doonkss… đ
Great marketing concept! They’re crazy if they don’t pick you … đ
Thanks, Chris! Fingers crossed!