I have a big question mark in my head for the past 2.5 years.

I have it always…

Sometimes it appears in my dreams

Not only once… but several times..

Yes, it’s quiet annoying, but I can’t do anything about it…

I don’t have the guts to bring the question up to this real world

I let it stays in my mind, in my brain, and in my heart

Let it just be a question for myself…

until it becomes a big mistery in my life…

Three days ago…

I decided to bring the question up to this unpredictable world

Let it be born

In the middle of spring time…

I feel relieved

I feel free

… from the heavy confrontation that has been struggling in my mind

Now I don’t care..

I’m just gonna wait…

Wait for what is gonna come next

Another questions appear

What does the implication of my action?

How can I know that everything is going to be better?

What if it’s just gonna make everything worst?

Well.. I don’t know…

What I know for sure is…

.. that I feel relieved …

Now, every morning I wake up

and wonder…

would I get the answer today?

… or …

perhaps… NEVER ?

…I have no clue…

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