Vienna. Sebuah kota tua yang cantik dan penuh dengan gedung-gedung bersejarah, patung dengan Baroque style, gereja tua, dan istana-istana seperti di negeri dongeng. Nggak heran kota ini selalu menarik perhatian para wisatawan untuk datang kesana. Vienna adalah ibukota dan kota terbesar di Austria dan menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai the world’s most liveable city selama beberapa tahun terakhir! Wow! Jadi pengen kan dateng kesini? Di postingan ini aku akan share tentang 10 Hal Yang Harus Dilakukan di Vienna.
- Walking tour in the Old Town
Vienna’s city center (Old Town) masuk dalam daftar UNESCO World Heritage Site di tahun 2001. Worth it banget jalan-jalan di kota tua ini dan belajar tentang sejarah dan cerita-cerita menarik dari tour guide setempat. - Mengunjungi istana-istana cantik!
Kami berlibur di Vienna selama 8 hari dan sempat mengunjungi dua istana yang keren banget, yaitu the Schonbrunn Palace dan Belvedere Palace. Keduanya sama cantiknya!Playing princess at the Schonbrunn Palace Di Schonbrunn Palace, mendingan ambil paket “Grand Tour”, karena bisa mengunjungi lebih dari 40 kamar, termasuk kamar Putri Sisi semasa hidupnya, ruang belajar Pangeran, dan lain-lain. Ruangan yang paling menarik perhatianku adalah the Dancing Hall/Ballroom. Pas mauk ke ruangan ini, wow… aku langsung berasa kayak berada di pesta-pesta dansa kerajaan yang ada di dongeng-dongeng!! Megaaaah bangeeeet… Ukuran ruangannya, desain interiornya, dekorasinya, lampu gantung kristal yang elegan, setiap sudut dari ruangan ini sangat glamor. Dulu, keluarga raja sering mengadakan pesta dansa di ruangan ini. How nice!!
Mengunjungi Schonbrunn Palace ini bener-bener mengesankan banget, karena jadi tau banyak tentang kehidupan keluarga raja, sejarah, dan cerita-cerita lainnya, seperti misalnya Mozart pertama kali perform di salah satu ruangan yang ada di istana ini (kita mengunjungi juga ruangannya) pada usia 6 tahun! Gokil. Muda amat yah??? Kecil-kecil udah keren gituuuu si Mozart!
Schonbrunn Palace ini juga masuk dalam daftar UNESCO World Heritage Site di tahun 1996.
Top 10 things to do in Vienna: visit the Schonbrunn Palace Tiket untuk Schonbrunn Palace “Grand Tour” adalah 16.50 Euro per orang.
Aku juga sempat mengunjungi the Belvedere Palace. Nah, istana yang ini beda, karena sekarang istana ini lebih kayak art museum gitu. Belvedere Palace termasuk salah satu Baroque landmarks yang paling mempesona di Eropa. Istana ini terdiri dari beberapa bagian, yaitu the Upper and Lower Belvedere dan taman yang sangat luas.
Belvedere Palace juga masuk dalam daftar UNESCO World Heritage Site. Istana ini menjadi rumah bagi lukisan paling terkenal di Vienna, yaitu Der Kuss (The Kiss) karya Gustav Klimt. Lukisan ini akhirnya menjadi ikon-nya kota Vienna!
Nggak hanya Der Kuss aja yang ada di istana ini. Ada banyak lukisan-lukisan karya Gustav Klimt lainnya disini. Salah satu favoritku adalah sebuah lukisan cat air berjudul “Girlfriends”. Cantik bangeeeet lukisannyaaaa!!! *naksir berat*
Top 10 things to do in Vienna: visit the Belvedere Palace Jika kamu pencinta seni dan lukisan, kamu bisa menghabiskan waktu beberapa jam di istana ini. Ada berbagai ruangan yang menyimpan koleksi karya seni terhebat milik Austria, mulai dari jaman abad pertengahan hingga sekarang. Mulai dari lukisan, patung, obyek-obyek religious, dan sebagainya.
Disamping menyimpan seni hasil karya seniman Austria, istana ini juga memiliki lukisan-lukisan karya pelukis ternama dunia lainnya, seperti Monet dan Van Gogh.
Oiya, kalo mengunjungi istana ini, jangan lupa sewa audio guide ya! Kamu bisa mendengarkan penjelasan dari setiap obyek menarik yang ada di istana ini dari audio guide.
Belvedere Palace juga punya hall yang cantiiik. Jangan lewatkan fresco di langit-langitnya. Kereeeeen abisss!!! Aku juga suka gereja kecil yang dibangun di tahun 1723 yang ada di dalam istana ini. Tau nggak, Prince Eugene of Savoy dulunya selalu berdoa disini setiap harinya! Gereja yang “bling-bling” ini punya intimate vibe, menurutku.
Top 10 things to do in Vienna: visit the Belvedere Palace’s Garden Tiket untuk Upper Belvedere adalah 14 Euro/orang.
- Jalan-jalan ke Tiergarten Schonbrunn Zoo, kebun binatang tertua di dunia!!
Mumpung lagi di Vienna, kenapa nggak sekalian mengunjungi kebun binatang tertua di dunia? Tiergarten Schonbrunn Zoo dulunya adalah milik keluarga raja dan memang sengaja dibuat untuk memelihara hewan-hewan yang langka. Dibangun oleh Emperor Franz I, Stephan von Lothringen, suaminya Maria Theresia pada tahun 1752.Akhirnya, 260 tahun belakangan ini, kebun binatang ini berubah menjadi kebun binatang termodern dan tercantik di dunia! Nahhh.. keren kaaaan? 😉 Meski memiliki gelar seperti itu, kesan megah dan sentuhan kerajaan masih bisa dilihat sampai sekarang. Perhatiin deh detail-detail kebun binatang ini. Kamu akan tau kalo kebun binatang ini dulunya dimiliki dan hanya digunakan oleh keluarga kerajaan saja.Yes, this is in the zoo! Tiket : 18.50 Euro/orang (dewasa); Anak dan remaja hanya 9 Euro; Anak di bawah umur 6 tahun gratis 🙂
Buka setiap hari dari jam 9am sampai 4.30pm atau 6.30pm tergantung musim.Top 10 things to do in Vienna: visit the Tiergarten Schonbrunn Zoo. - Mengunjungi National Bibliothek
Vienna memiliki perpustakaan tercantik di dunia. Serius. Emang begitu kok predikatnya si perpustakaan megah ini. So, mengunjungi State Hall of Austrian Nationalbibliothek adalah wajib hukumnya! Berlokasi di Hofburg Palace, tempat ini merupakan salah satu tempat terkeren dan ter-WOW yang pernah aku kunjungi.Baca postingan #HeSaidSheSaid yang bercerita tentang kesan-kesan aku dan suamiku mengenai National Bibliotheek ini!Top 10 things to do in Vienna: visit The State Hall of the National Library of Vienna 🙂 Tiket: 7 Euro/orang (dewasa)
- Enjoy the Classical Concert at Mozarthaus.
Vienna merupakan ibukota musik dunia! Komposer-komposer legendaris seperti Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Johann Strauss I, Johan Strauss II, adalah termasuk yang pernah tinggal dan bekerja di kota ini.Salah satu keuntungan mengunjungi Vienna adalah kita bisa nonton konser musik lasik setiap hari! Yeayyyy!! I LOVEEEE IT!!
Ada banyak tempat untuk nonton konser musik klasik, jadi bijaksanalah dalam memilih, karena beberapa diantaranya terlalu touristy dan garing (menurut hasil risetku di internet ya..)So, after doing my research, aku memilih untuk nonton konser: “Konzerte im Mozarthaus“.
Classical Concert in Mozart’s House Konser musik klasiknya diadakan di Sala Terena, the oldest concert hall in Vienna dimana Mozart pernah bekerja dan perform untuk Bishop Colloredo di 1781.
Mozart juga pernah tinggal di rumah ini. Apartemen kecilnya kini sudah berubah menjadi monastery.Sala Terena ini imut tapi mempesona. Didesain dan di-cat di abad ke-18. Tua banget ya! Seluruh dinding dan langit-langitnya dihiasi lukisan (fresco). Dan fresco-fresco ini masih utuh dan tetap cantik! Impressive bangeeet!!
Sebagai konser hall, Sala Terena ini ok banget. Mozart sendiri memuji keindahan akustik dan atmosfer unik Sala Terena ini.
Sala Terena, the oldest concert hall in Vienna. Sala Terena is fully decorated with frescoes back from the 17th Century. Sala Terena’s frescoes and chandelier. So beautiful! Konser di Sala Terena berlangsung selama satu jam dan worth it banget. The “Mozart Ensemble” terdiri dari empat orang musisi berbakat dan malam itu mereka memainkan karya Mozart, Antonin Dvorak, dan J.Haydn.
It’s definitely a wonderful one hour to spend in Vienna! Being in the oldest concert hall in town and ears are spoiled by the enchanting music are like feeding fresh drinks to your soul. You can buy the ticket online.
Alamat: Singerstrabe 7, Vienna.
Tikets: 59 Euro (row 1-3); 49 Euro (row 4-6). For students: 39 Euro. - Mendengarkan konser musik klasik di St. Stephen’s Cathedral
St. Stephen’s Cathedral, yang sering disebut juga dengan St. Stephansdom, adalah simbol kota Vienna. Kamu harus banget mengunjungi gereja ini! Gereja ini adalah bangunan Gothic terpenting di Austria.St Stephansdom Vienna Pembangunan gereja ini dimulai di abad 12. Namun, saat perang dunia ke II, gereja cantik ini terbakar hebat The construction started in the 12th Century, however, during the Second World War, this beautiful church was severely damaged by fire. But everyone lending a hand, the cathedral was rebuilt in just seven years.
The ticket of the classical concert at St Stephansdom Vienna What’s more impressive than being in such an impressive Gothic church and listening to beautiful classical tunes at the same time? The classical concerts in St. Stephen’s Cathedral is one of the most favorite concerts among the locals. It’s not too touristy, so of course I wouldn’t miss it for the world!
And… all the reviews are right. The classical concert here is magical! With five recognized musicians playing the famous Vivaldi’s Four Seasons in the altar, the music echoes all through the church. It sounds like all the pillars are singing! Truly amazing. LOVE LOVE LOVEEE IT! You should definitely check it out, too!
You can buy the ticket outside the church’s main gate. There’s a ticket box 🙂Tickets: 38 Euro (A row) and 28 Euro per person.
- Try the food at Naschmarkt
Naschmarkt is the most famous open market in Vienna, if not in Austria and has been around since 1780! It has a wide range of things to see, different types of food to enjoy, all kind of beverages to drink, and plenty of stuff to see and to buy!fruits anyone? 😉 this looks a bit scary to me :p My recommendation is to go in the morning when the market is not too crowded. It can be hard to walk as the day goes by due to the number of visitors going to this place. Plenty of food carts and shops on your left and right sides, leaving only a narrow alley for you to walk – squeezed by the other visitors also trying to go in the same direction, if not, the other direction! xD But hey, that’s part of the experience, right? I just can’t stop looking and drooling at the food. From hummus, baclava, tapas, falafel to steak. They have all the food you could imagine! Drooling drooling drooling!! Also all kind of snacks you can handle. Definitely dangerous if you’re on a food diet! Hahaha..
You can basically find all kind of food in Naschmarkt! On the back of the market, you’ll find a flea market with all kind of junk you can buy! 😀 It’s like going to an antique shop or to your grandma’s house 😀 I also enjoy watching the gypsies looking for a hidden treasure here in the market :).
Of all the junk in the flea market part, this is the only one I like! 😀 This guy claims he made all of these cool boards. - Drop in at Mozart’s House
If you’re into classical music, of course you wouldn’t miss an opportunity to visit Mozart’s house, right?Mozart and his family lived here from 1784 to 1787. During this period, Mozart was already famous and thus, he could afford living in this elegant apartment. It’s the largest and most expensive apartment ever occupied by him and the only one that’s still intact today.He wrote the famous “The Marriage of Figaro” here, in this house. And you can see his work, his writing, and learn more about his life, too. I learn that Mozart loves to party, inviting his friends to come to his house for drinks, play, and listen to his music. He also had friends staying at his house, sometimes for long stay, too! What a good guy, he was! And apparently, in the afternoon, he often gave private piano lessons to students, but tried to leave his mornings empty so he could compose his music. He was a workaholic, too. He could produce 6 sheets per day – putting his mind and soul in his music!Mozart’s House in Vienna His house consists of four large rooms, two small ones and a kitchen. Unfortunately, visitors are not allowed to take pictures inside the house. We can only take pictures in the hallway or staircase :D. So, sorry guys, no pictures of his bedroom, dining room, and playing/party room!
I’m about to enter Mozart’s apartment :). Knock.. knock! Here we can also see a magnificent musical clock made around 1790. Mozart is believed to have composed for this clock. Beautiful tunes, definitely.
Address: Domgasse 5, Vienna.
Ticket: 11 Euro for adult. - Ride on the Legendary Ring Tram
Explore the ring road on this legendary ring tram! This old yellow tram will take you to the Vienna Ring, Austrian Heritage Site.During the 20 minute-ride, you will see the Vienna State Opera, Imperial Palace, Parliament, City hall, Burgtheater, Stock exchange and other historical places.How to catch this tram? The Ring Tram goes on a lap and departs every every 30 minutes from Schwedenplatz.Ring Tram, Vienna You can buy the ticket on the tram.
Ticket: 9 Euro per person, includes an audio guide. - Enjoy the desserts in a traditional Viennese coffee house
Last but not least on my top 10 things to do in Vienna is something that you could enjoy every single day of your holiday there!There are plenty of charming coffee houses in Vienna. Some of them are known as institution coffee houses. These coffee houses play an important role in shaping Viennese culture. The locals love spending time in a coffee house, to chat, play cards or other board games, while sipping a cup of coffee and munching the tasty desserts.The Viennese coffee house is described as a place “where time and space are consumed, but only the coffee is found on the bill” 😀 The most famous one is Cafe Central where Sigmund Freud and Trotsky used to hangout. But the line is always long here! Come when you have plenty of time to kill :).Address: Herrengasse 14, Vienna.Cafe Central Vienna Cafe Central in Vienna Another one that I visited is Cafe Korb. A 110 year old institution coffee house in Vienna. My school mate, Przemek, told me that famous local people often come here to have coffee or casual meetings. And I also noticed that the locals love to spend hours here, playing cards (provided by the coffee house) and having a good time with their friends!
Address: Brandstätte 9, Vienna.
Apple Strudel, one of the signature desserts from Vienna
These are my top 10 things to do in Vienna. Enjoy this beautiful city, lovely people! 🙂